Original classic car accessories - simply wonderful!

Which classic car fan hasn't experienced this - now you finally have your favourite classic in the garage, you polish it to a high gloss finish and when browsing the original brochure or at the next classic car meeting, you notice that there were still one or the other great, original accessories, which would still be practical or even unique today.
Here at Gents Barn we understand that passion and - as finding these original accessories is sometimes more 'suffering' than 'creating' - have become experts in these super-rare items. And no, we don't mean the usual picnic basket from the latest Asian production. We will find the really old treasures for you if you wish - because we have always been looking for these ourselves.
So, whether your heart beats for old vintage brass fire extinguishers for your US classic, that super rare, original ORIS ski rack for your Mercedes R107 or W113, or an original 1950s fishing rod for fly fishing (of course with the matching vintage car holder)... just contact us, because maybe we can help you faster than you think.
Your Gents Barn-team